the speed of now

posted in: Life, nature | 8

This weekend was a celebration of my arrival on earth, and we spent it enjoying all things earthly, in nature. We spent much of the weekend in and near the water, kayaking, swimming, picnicking. We watched a pair of baby … Continued


posted in: Life | 1

* Happy Solstice ^*^ Cheers * to wildflowers, large bodies of clear cool water, abundant sunshine, wispy cotton dresses, bare feet, puff ball clouds, blue skies, the sweet vanilla scent of the warm forest..

hey, june

posted in: Life, snapshots | 0

I tend to think of June as my favorite month of the year; or at least it usually feels like that when it arrives. It’s an exciting lead-up to summer, and it is just the very beginning of many warm … Continued

wild things

posted in: Life, nature | 3

    There is a whole lot of lounging and ruminating happening around here these days. The bucks seem wily and restless, and the does are very restful. Babies should be born any day now!

mid may

posted in: Life | 1

    Planting and smelling as many flowers as we can. Sewing for the arrival of a new little one in my family. Working hard, playing too. Soaking up these long, sunny days.

love letters

posted in: Life | 0

Sometimes you enter my view unexpectedly, and I catch myself saying aloud, “he is so damn cute.” . . tiny letters, to my love ♥