early summer garden

posted in: gardening | 8














It’s crazy how fast things are changing in the garden right now. Zucchinis are growing inches in days, eggplants and peppers are suddenly sprouting many little baby fruits, peas are going nuts, cucumbers seem to be magically appearing every day, tomatoes are starting to show a flush of color and new seeds are germinating with ease. I am always in awe, come July, at the rate of growth and change out there, but this July seems truly exceptional.

I have to keep reminding myself that summer has just begun (thankfully! please stay forever!), as by pure observation there are so many signs that it’s late summer.

We are eating more and more garden based meals. Most meals include lots of greens, fresh herbs and snap peas, and more recently,  garden tacos and burritos have been a favorite… taco shells or tortillas filled with fava beans and zucchini, roasted with last years tomatoes and topped with  greens and herbs, pesto, feta, avocado – so fresh and delicious! I think we might have frozen tomatoes up until we start harvesting this year, which is pretty satisfying. Somehow we made the pesto last as well, which is hard to imagine. I think having forgotten about it for a most of the winter helped.

The photos above span the last couple weeks, with the majority of them taken on July 9. This week I am thinking about what to start doing with cucumbers, and will make my first batch of pesto.

And I think it’s almost time for a zucchini crust pizza.


What’s happening in your garden where you’re at right now? I wonder if a lot of west coast folks are ahead of a typical year, and northeast coast folks a little behind?








8 Responses

  1. coco

    abby, i wonder which part of Oregon you live in.
    Well, we are in middle of wet rainy season and it is
    sooo humid today. I would rather have dry hot weather than this.
    I am so envy of you for all those garden full of veges from your
    own garden. zucchini pizza sound good!

    • abby

      Hi Coco, We are on the central coast of Oregon.
      You should try zucchini crust sometime. I think you would like! Hope you get a break in the humidity.

  2. norma

    We are in Hillsboro and we are having a great year too. My gourd needs a flag pole to climb! Love Summer and being outside.

    Our friends are moving (boo) to CO. so they gave us all of last years frozen tomatos and we felt like they gave us gold! Your garden looks wonderful ~

    • abby

      Hi Norma, That really is like gold! Glad to hear you’re having a great year up there too.

  3. Denise McArthur

    We are heading to Newport in August for a few days. My garden is loving the heat we have been having – if only we could sleep a little better! I love watching the peas and beans grow – so quickly! I love your garden photos!!

  4. Jessica

    Your garden and produce look amazing!!! If I had the space I would totally grow some of my own vegetables, even if I meant in pots on a condo deck. Sadly I don’t even have a deck. Oh well, one day! It’s a goal to strive for 🙂

  5. jodi

    Hi Abby 🙂 Your garden bounty looks awesome. We are definitely about 3-4 weeks ahead of usual here in the San Juans. We went blueberry picking a few days ago a full month earlier than we ever have before! I’m trying to not get tripped up by it as it seems a bit freakish to me. We’re eating lots of greens, including collards, which we grew for the first time and love! Beets are coming on strong, and the zukes are just sizing up. I must admit I’m a bit envious of your greenhouse and all those tomatoes! Enjoy the heart of summer… we’re about to duck out of the country for a month, so will miss it!

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