garden chat

posted in: gardening | 7


Little by little our spring veg garden is coming along. I’ve felt really relaxed about it all this year, and it’s been coming together naturally and at an easy pace. I am sure I’ve overlooked some things, and still need to do a bit of direct sowing, but I think I’m almost finished planting starts. A lot of them are in the hoop house, soaking up the extra warmth. The hoop house is almost weeded of the grass that runs up the sides (in the sections not shown in the photo) , which got pretty thick this year, and the garden is holding us over with kale, small treats of arugula, and the last few carrots while we wait for new greens and peas to start picking up the pace.


I just planted cucumbers and squash last week. In the past I have tended to plant them a little too early. I’m hoping the timing aligns, so that once they are ready to go in the ground, we are past the threat of excessive soaking rain and coolness. I saw the first sign of basil germination yesterday. I wish I might have started basil a little bit sooner! I like to grow a lot of basil each year, in a few successive plantings. I did pretty well last year, and we still have a little bit of pesto in the freezer to look forward to. One of my favorites.


Since moving the tomatoes from the house to the hoophouse, I am seeing visible growth by the day. Some of them seem to have doubled in size since this photo was taken less than a week ago.


I keep talking about making a rhubarb galette or pie of crisp or what have you. It’s time to actually do something about that.


We were able to take the fencing down from 2 of our fruit trees this year, as they are finally tall enough to reach out of harms way of nibbling deer. A deer can strip a little tree of new growth pretty quickly. We expanded the fencing around the other 2 trees and all of them are looking pretty happy for the changes. We should have quite a few pie cherries this summer, and I think we might have our first small set of plums this year.


This is a fairly regular harvest these days – though more so on the greens than the carrots.


What’s happening in your part of the world? Are you growing food this year? Anything you’re particularly excited about? A funny little thing I’m looking forward to is parsnips. This will be my first time growing them.

7 Responses

  1. Deni

    No veggie garden this year due to a vole problem 🙁 BUT, Hubby and I found 16 Japanese Maple seedlings in our yard that seeded from a large one we have. We would love to build a small greenhouse and grow and sell trees and shrubs.

    • abby

      Sorry to hear about the voles. I once saw a bunch of plants disappear into the ground right before my eyes. It was so bizarre to watch! I always wondered if it was a vole doing that. I love your idea for a little plants business. That’s something I have daydreamed about. And a fun coincidence, we found a few Japanese Maple seedlings in our yard this year too, and have transferred them to pots for tending until they’re bigger. xo

  2. Rachael

    I love your gardening posts! Its coming into autumn here in New Zealand and I’m starting winter seeds – Kale, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower etc. and prepping a bed for garlic is on the to-do list! I only started gardening this time last year and I find it so peaceful and satisfying watching everything grow =)

    • abby

      Thanks Rachael! I feel much the same – find it so peaceful and satisfying to garden. This year I hope to do better with my winter gardening than I did last year.
      I think that our climates are quite similar. Have long wanted to visit New Zealand.

  3. jodi

    After waiting so long we kind of forgot about them, one of our mushroom logs recently sprouted a giant shiitake! It looks as if there are more to come, so that is quite exciting. We’re growing a lot of the usual stuff in the garden this year but are trying collard greens for the first time. Also excited to grow dahlias again!

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