Erin Wallace, the talented photographer behind A Love Supreme photography, has shared what she would bring with her if her house was burning down, over at The Burning House. Do you see that there bag? Yes? Awesome. See more collections here. So interesting to see what people have chosen, and to think what would I bring in such a situation. What would you take with you if your house was burning?
photo property of Erin Wallace
Little Sis
Such a useful way to think about what’s important. Would be interesting to document over time too, as what’s most important can change so much.
After Henry’s dad’s shop burned down this winter and knowing that we have no insurance on our home and are probably too far from town for the fire trucks to get out here before everything is gone and the fact that this area has an obvious fire cycle history, I’ve thought a lot about what losing my home to fire would be like. Maybe I’m just being a naive optimist, but if I could get out with my family safely in tow and my computer (which actually has all my photos in a back up hard drive at my parents’ house), I think I’d be okay. I love the “stuff” in my house, but it’s just stuff. I’d be very very sad about losing the collection as a whole, but I don’t have any particular items that are more special than others (at least I can’t think of any). I’m not quite sure what that says about me.
So inspiring…and what a perfect bag for life’s adventures! I just might have to take a picture like this. It’s been so long since I considered this “what if”.