
posted in: Life | 12








Every morning, upon rising, I prepare our morning cups of coffee. It’s a task I have always done for us, and love to do. There is a consistency and sureness in this daily ritual that I appreciate so much. Sometimes I am already looking forward to the following morning before the day has even ended. It’s our time to gently wake up together, and emerge into the day. And of course, enjoy the magic that is espresso.

Fun little fact: We first laid eyes on each other at a cafe, where I was the barista. I have been his coffee girl ever since 🙂






12 Responses

  1. coco

    abby, your simplicity in life and appreciation in
    ordinary life makes me feel happy too. thanks for
    the wonderful reminder to all of us.
    happy weekend ahead of you.


  2. cchitnis

    Just beautiful! You seem to really know your coffee. What espresso machine do you use, and do you love it?

    We’ve been wanting one for years but always nervous to take the plunge!

    • abby

      We were nervous to take the plunge at first too. There is a lot of junk out there! We have a Breville BES830XL (this model is now discontinued), and we do love it. We love their burr grinder too. Breville’s customer service is excellent as well. I have to admit, our espresso machine is my single most favorite appliance 🙂

  3. kari

    Grinding coffee beans is a morning ritual of mine as well, though we’ve not plunged into the espresso habit (yet). You have a beautiful blog!

  4. Tiffany Karma

    That is really so adorable and heavenly <3. Also, just want to say I purchased a bag from you a few years ago and it's still holding up. Definitely my favorite bag of all time. Your aesthetics and craftsmanship are excellent, so thank you for doing what you do and by the look of it enjoying your life to the fullest. Your an inspiration. Cheers, Tiffany

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