the buck

posted in: nature | 4







We are able to observe a lot of deer behavior at our place, and how their behavior changes through the seasons. We also see certain deer on a regular basis and have gotten to know them by their particular qualities, to some degree. For example, there is “big mama” –  a notably solid, strong, beautiful, and very calm doe. She moves with a sense of peace and knowing. Our property is part of her territory and we have had her company since we moved here 4 years ago. She has raised a number of sets of twin fawns in this area, often tucking them into safe spaces at our place while she goes on to forage.

And then there was “the big guy” – a massive, majestic buck that frequented our property in the fall and summer. This year he didn’t return, but it seems this buck pictured above has taken his place of dominance.  On this particular day, the doe (big mama) came through the same path not long after him, with her 2 fawns. I often wonder what happened to that big buck.

There is something about these creatures that can seem almost magical.  At least when they’re not eating your garden (can’t blame them though, can you).


Fun fact: Antler tissue is the fastest growing tissue in any mammal, and can grow up to an inch per day.

4 Responses

  1. rebecca

    I am absolutely amazed at the animals that you have wandering through your piece of land…and you photography is fantastic!

    • abby

      Thanks Rebecca. And yeah, it really is pretty amazing. We sometimes joke about how we could go camping in the middle of the vast wilderness and not see a single large mammal. But camp out in our yard for a night, and oh my, the things you might see!

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