The Stanley Prune is starting to flower. Maybe we will have our first fruits from this tree this year. There were tiny bees – which I think were mason bees – buzzing around the new blossoms today.
Flowering apricot. The prettiest pink.
The first of the sugar snap peas, with so many more to plant! We’d like to grow more of these than ever this year.
One single tomato seed has sprouted. Just today.
We have been hitting the weeds hard the last couple weeks. This is the best time, while the ground is soft and they are relatively small still. They grew like crazy this year, with our mild winter.
Winter was pretty mild – even for here – and spring has been coming gradually and gracefully. I am so grateful for this time of year, with warmer, longer days; meals outside again, with fresh herbs at an arms length; coffee time in the sunshine; camp fires in the yard; digging in the dirt. I feel like an emerging young plant – sort of sleepy still from the dark of winter, yet bursting with life and ready to bloom. I won’t even start with my excitement for summer!
Happy Spring friends, even if it doesn’t quite feel like it yet where you are.
Weilita Lo
I always look forward to read your blog. I don’t know what it’s like to live in your side of the world or where you live now (I live in Sydney), looking at your last pic brings a sense of peace and serene.
I have yet to own one of your creation, one day one day
Have a lovely weekend!
Regards, Wei
Thank you, Wei! : )
The Editors of Garden Variety
Your plantings are coming along nicely. Very healthy looking!